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Danish Pastry Dough
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Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 65 Minutes
Servings: 10
That's an old family delight!!!
100 g dry yeast
500 ml cold water
750 g bread flour
500 g pastry flour
75 g 35% cream
5 ea. eggs
150 g butter
250 g sugar
25 g salt
625 g roll-in fat (worked until smooth)
2. Warm cream add yeast and dissolve let it seat until star to bubble.
3. Cream butter and sugar, add eggs and yeast slurry mix in flour and nutmeg, knead the dough.
4. Roll the dough to a rectangle of about 10 cm , cover 2/3 of the dough with dots of roll-in fat , fold empty part onto centre portion and remaining third on top-this is the roll-in procedure-not a fold inches.
5. Roll dough the same size again, apply first single fold by folding 1/3 of the dough onto centre part plus remainder onto top.
6. Repeat this folding twice more allowing 20 minutes rest between each fold - preferably refrigerated. Refrigerate dough before make-up procedure; dough also may be frozen for future use.