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D-Chan's Simple Crepes
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 20
This is a fairly easy dish made with ingredients most people already have in their homes. They're pretty versatile as well, and would make a good breakfast, lunch, side dish, or dessert. This is my own personal recipe. These crepes are designed more for dessert-type fillings but I know from experience that they taste very good with turkey and cheese :3. Since I was cooking intuitively I'm guessing on the measurements for some things. Do not be afraid to add a splash of milk if the batter is not thin enough to flow as it should. Thin batter is a necessity! As for sugar and salt, I've got measurements down but you can adjust them to taste. The only thing to remember is not to use very much salt, and probably no more than a few tablespoons sugar. I'm also guessing on the yield; this will change depending on what kind of frying pan you're using. You can also use more vanilla syrup if you choose to use it. I like to; it adds a bit to the taste and gives a pleasant aroma. The prep and yield time are TOTAL guesses; prep time takes little time at all, but the cook time could take a while to make all the crepes. You can refrigerate the batter for a while. The crepes will also keep covered and refrigerated.
2 cups flour
2 eggs
4 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon vanilla-flavored syrup (optional)
1. Put the flour in a bowl. Add all other ingredients and whisk until smooth. The batter should be very thin.
2. Grease a frying pan (I use butter to grease mine but cooking spray, etc. will work) lightly. You can use any size frying pan, but the smaller the better; I suggest 5 or 6 inches, no bigger than 8.
3. Using a ladle or cup, pour batter into frying pan. Quickly tilt the pan and move it in a circular motion until the batter fills the pan completely.
4. On high heat, let the crepe cook on one side for about 30 seconds or until slightly golden. You can usually tell to turn the crepe because the edges will start to curl away from the side of the pan.
5. Turn the crepe in the pan and let it cook for about 15 seconds or until sufficiently browned.
6. Remove crepe from heat and repeat steps 3-6 until all batter is used.