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Cretan Boureki Kritiko Boureki Potato And Zucchini...
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 8
The aroma of fresh spearmint and feta cheese will float in the air as the tantalizing smell of fresh baked Filo pastry wafts though out the house, soon the smells of roasted zucchini and potatoes will accompany the festival of aromas as you are carried away to a far away place called Greece
2 pounds potatoes cut in thin slices
2 pounds zucchini, cut in thin slices
1 bunch of spearmint, finely cut
8 oz glass of milk
1 1/4 pounds crumbled feta cheese
2 sheets of filo (home made or frozen)
olive oil
1. Roll out the first filo sheet and spread it on an oiled baking pan. Oil the filo sheet and then roll out the second filo sheet and spread it over the first one. Both filo sheets should come up above the borders of the baking pan.
2. Then start adding layers of vegetables on top of the filo sheets. First add a layer of zucchinis, seasoned with salt. Then season the zucchinis with half of the spearmint and pour some olive oil.
3. Spread a layer with potatoes and cheese, Season again with the rest of the spearmint, some salt and pepper.
4. Pour over the glass of milk, fold the remaining parts of the filo sheets inside the pan and bake in preheated 400 F oven until the potatoes are tender about 45 min. The zucchinis will tenderize quicker. Serve warm.