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Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 75 Minutes
Servings: 6
I love these light crepes as a main course dish or as a dessert wrap. Remember not to add too much batter to the pan as these should be very thin.
1 2/3 cups flour
4 eggs
2 pinches salt
2 tablespoons oil
2 cups milk
1 small potato
1. Put the flour into a mixing bowl.
2. Add eggs into the bowl and stir completely.
3. Next add salt, oil, and milk and mix thoroughly.
4. When finished stirring let the batter set at room temperature for 30 minutes.
5. Cooking: Pour two tablespoons of oil into a small bowl.
6. Cut the potato in half and remove the skin the around flat end.
7. Stick the fork into round end of the potato and dip it into the oil.
8. Place a small non-stick fry/crepe pan over medium heat.
9. Lightly grease pan with the flat end of the potato.
10. Add a small amount of crepe batter to the pan.
11. Immediately twist and turn the pan to cover the surface.
12. The crêpe should be lightly browned on both sides.
13. It is recommended that you cook as many crêpes as possible and refrigerate the leftovers.