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Cream of Chocolate Eggnog
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 3 Minutes
Ready In: 8 Minutes
Servings: 8
A little different eggnog - you can use egg substitute for the egg in this. Chilling time not included.
1/4 lb sweet chocolate
1/2 cup hot water
6 eggs, seperated
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 dash salt
1 cup heavy cream
1. Melt chocolate in top of double boiler.
2. Add hot water to make a smooth paste.
3. Beat egg yolks very lightly, then add chocolate.
4. Add vanilla and salt.
5. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.
6. Fold whites into chocolate mixture.
7. Chill thoroughly.
8. Before serving whip cream flavored with brandy.