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Craig's Pumpkin Pie Mix
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 2
1 box(es) gallon-sized ziplock bags
cooked, fresh pumpkin
3/4 cup(s) sugar
1 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon(s) ginger
1/2 teaspoon(s) nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon(s) salt
1/4 cup(s) butter
3 eggs beaten
1 can(s) evaporated milk (small, 5 oz)
1. Puree cooked pumpkin (I normally bake my pumpkin for 1-1/2 -2 hrs as that makes it easy to remove the skin and puree in the food processor). For every 1 1-2 cups of cooked pumpkin, add the next 6 ingredients. (I normally measure my pureed pumpkin into a large mixing bowl and then make adjustments to the above amts. of spices and butter.).
2. Freeze 6 cups of pumpkin mix in gallon-sized ziplock bags. This is enough for 2 pies.
3. To Prepare Pies:
4. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
5. Combine eggs, milk, and pumpkin mix. Pour into 2 unbaked pie shells.
6. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce oven temp. to 325 degrees and bake for 30 minutes more, or until center of pie is firm.