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Couscous Onigiri
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 5 Minutes
Servings: 1
Similar to Japanese onigiri rice balls, but made with couscous instead!
1/4 cup couscous
1/4 cup soymilk
1 dash cinnamon
1 dash maple syrup or 1 dash honey or 1 dash sugar
1. Combine all ingredients in microwave-safe bowl. Microwave one minute, stir. Microwave for another 30 seconds to one minute, until soy milk starts foaming.
2. Remove from microwave and let cool. Press into onigiri molds and place in fridge for one hour. Gently remove from the molds. Done!
3. I made these the night before, and they kept their shape overnight and had a wonderful, soft texture when eaten cold the next day.
4. NOTE 1: You can vary the flavours significantly by using different types of soy or rice milk, and bu changing the seasoning a little. I made these with vanilla soy milk and cinnamon, but you could use other flavours too.
5. NOTE 2: If you do not have onigiri molds, you can use small plastic containers to shape the onigiri, or you can improvise a mold using a cookie cutter, in this fashion:.
6. Place the cookie cutters on a plate. Press the couscous into them as you would for a mold, packing the mixture very tightly. Cover the plate with plastic wrap or with a dish cover. Refrigerate as you would for a mold, and proceed as above.