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Corcoran's Easy Pizza Dough Recipe
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 2
This is a family favorite at our house. Friday night is pizza night. This recipe is so easy you will wonder why you have never made home made pizza before. All I use is my kitchen aid mixer with the dough hook and I have 2 pizza stones.
yeast 4 1/2 teaspoons
little bit of gingerale or 7 up probably quarter can or half, its upto you.
2 teaspoons of sugar
4 cups of flour
1 tea spoon of salt
1/4 cup of olive oil (or any oil , i prefer olive oil)
1 1/2 cup of warm water .
1. Take a mixing Bowl. Put sugar first , then add yeast , wait for 5 mins so it can mix then add warm water in it, mix it well then add , salt olive oil ,gingerale or 7 up mix it well, then at the end pour the flour slowly and keep mixing till all the flour is mixed then mix for at least 10-15 mins .
2. If the flour sticks to the bottom or the sides of the bowl then that means you have to add little bit more water. So add and mix till it doesn’t stick on the side. But the more you mix the better result you will get. Take it out from the bowl cut it in to to pieces , make it round like and place it in something round which can be covered tightly. You can also let it rise all day I make it at 1:00 in the afternoon and then let it rise till 3:30 then pat it down and make pizzas. Add sauce, your favorite toppings, parmesean and mozerella. You can also use my homemade pizza sauce which is excellent and very easy to make.
3. Bake: 425 degree oven for about 20 minutes