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Chicken Liver Parfait
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
2 tablespoons sweet sherry
1 1/2 pints double cream
900 g chicken livers, trimmed
9 eggs
8 egg yolks
1 teaspoon nutmeg, grated
to taste salt and pepper
1. Bring cream to simmering point. Puree all other ingredients.
2. Slowly pour in the cream, and pass through a fine chinois or sieve. Cook in a bain marie, in a suitable container, greased and cling filmed, for 35 - 40 minutes at 1800c or 3500f or gas mark 4.
3. Chill, keeping tightly wrapped, to avoid oxidisation.
4. Cut only as necessary, using a hot wet thin bladed sharp knife, to get a clear cut edge. Re wrap immediately after cutting.
5. Serve with washed mixed leaves and melba toast - this is a tasty starter for the festive season, and can be made a couple of days in advance if it is wrapped well.