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Cherry Tomatoes With Basil
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 8
A great side dish for meat or chicken. Very easy. Looks great too. Tastes even better if prepared beforehand and left in fridge for a while before serving
about 1/2 kilo (1 pound) cherry tomatoes
4-5 stems of basil
100gr pine nuts
5 tbs olive oil (extra virgin, cold press)
1 tsp salt
1. Put pine nuts in frying pan (as they are, without oil or fat or anything)
2. *They have enough of their own natural oil*
3. Stir constantly over low flame to avoid burning until golden brown
4. Remove from flame
5. Coursely chop Basil leaves, (without the stems)
6. Add to all the other ingredients
7. Mix well