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Cherimoya Sherbet
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 120 Minutes
Ready In: 140 Minutes
Servings: 4
I like that everything in this recipe is healthy, but it's definitely dessert. I got this recipe from a vendor at the farmer's market, but upon doing some research, I think it comes from a book called Tropical Fruit Cookbook, by Marilyn Rittenhouse Harris. This was only my second time tasting cherimoya. I tried using my blender for this, but it was kind of a mess; I would recommend the food processor if you have one. It does not call for an ice cream maker. Cooking time I have listed here is approximate freezing time, but your results may vary depending on the temperature of your freezer.
3 cups cherimoya, seeds removed (about 4 pounds cherimoyas, i think)
8 ounces plain yogurt
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice or 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon honey
1. Puree cherimoya.
2. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.
3. Pour into ice cube trays.
4. Freeze until almost firm.
5. Place cubes in food processor bowl and mix until fluffy but not thawed.
6. Pour into dishes and freeze until firm.