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Castilian Garlic Soup
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 4
Garlic soup was a staple during hard times in Spain. Since then it has become a favorite dish in the finest restaurants. There are many variations, and this is a simple one to which you can add your favorite ingredients. Read more . Courtesy of Spain GourmeTour magazine.
1 quart of water
4 tbsp chopped garlic
1 three-inch section of day-old french bread, or other coarse crusty bread
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp bittersweet smoked paprika (pimentón de la vera)
4 eggs
1. Heat water and add garlic. While garlic cooks (5 - 10 minutes), slice the bread very thinly and fry it in the olive oil, sprinkling a little pimentón and salt in the oil.
2. Add the bread and oil to the water and simmer for another 10-15 minutes. You can leave the soup for several hours at this stage.
3. Just before serving, break each egg in turn into a lable and lower into soup. Stir ladle to break up the eggs.
4. Serve immediately into deep bowls.
5. This is a great appetizer soup, or a nice warm meal for a winter day.