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Carrot Wedges Glazed in Cider
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 4
Cooking carrots this way, with apple cider, makes them glossy and shiny, without using lots of butter. Cutting carrots into wedges gives them more angles to cook. Try cooking until the carrots are browned in the glaze. This recipe resulted from experimenting. Usually glazed carrots end up either too mushy or too buttery for me. My idea here is to brown the carrots.
1/2 lb carrot, cut into wedges 2 inches long
1/2 cup apple cider
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1. Cutting the carrots into 2 inch long wedges, rather than penny style or thin julienne seems to make this work better.
2. Put into a sauce pan the carrots and the cider. Use medium heat to get the cider to boil. Once it's hot, put in a 1/2 tablespoon of butter, mixing it in with the carrots and cider. Season with the salt.
3. Work toward boiling off the cider. Once the cider is significantly reduced, put in the remaining 1/2 tablespoon of butter and saute the carrots. Try to get the carrots slightly browned, which will happen as they cook in the butter.
4. Season with additional salt if needed, or add color with fresh parsley flakes and serve.