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Prep Time: 40 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 60 Minutes
Servings: 4
The preparation time given includes 30 mins refrigeration time.
125 g butter
1 (400 g) can condensed milk
1 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup golden syrup
1. Line base and sides of a shallow cake tin with foil.
2. Brush foil with melted butter.
3. Combine butter, condensed milk, caster sugar and golden syrup in a medium, heavy based pan.
4. Stir over low heat without boiling to dissolve sugar completely.
5. Bring to boil and reduce heat slightly.
6. Stir constantly for about 15 to 20 mins to prevent bottom burning, until mixture turns a dark golden caramel colour.
7. Note: If the caramel is not cooked long enough it, will not set properly.
8. Pour mixture into the prepared tin.
9. Smoothen the surface.
10. Use a sharp knife to mark caramel into small squares.
11. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until firm.
12. Remove from tin.
13. Cut through.
14. Store caramels in an airtight container in the refrigerator up to 3 weeks.