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Campfire Biscuit Treat
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 5 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 5
An easy little treat the kids will enjoy while camping or around a small bonfire in the yard. Have fun.
1 package of regular biscuit
cinnamon, as required
sugar, as required
butter, as required
1. Roll the biscuit out to your liking.
2. Wrap the biscuit around a stick by spiraling it from the top of the stick working your way down.
3. Cook over the fire until golden brown or done.
4. Roll in butter and sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar all over it.
5. Note: The thinner the biscuit is on the stick the quicker the inside will cook so you don't burn the outside.
6. A little practice and it will be so simple.