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Cajun Roasts
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 2
Adapted from a recipe on my first visit to this site! Served it with grilled bream. Delicious
cajun seasoning...
2tsp cayenne
1 1/2 tsp salt
1tsp black pepper
1tsp paprika
1tsp cumin
1 1/4 dry mustard
1/2 tsp dried oregano
2 sweet potatoes cut into chunky wedges (scrubbed first)
1 bulb of garlic segmented but skins in tact
2 red onions cut into chunks
1 turnip in chunks
olive oil
1. mix 2tbs or more depending on taste with a good dollop of olive oil. the nlay out the veg on a roasting tin and daub with the cajun dressing.
2. Roast in a hot oven for 45 - 60 mins