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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 2022
I equate this “snack” to an Italian calzone (minus the cheese). This German snack, breakfast, dinner or whenever you choose to eat it – is a pocket of love is filled with everyone’s favorite pork products & potatoes. Read more . Once made, it’s hard to eat just one. They’re good for on the go, cold or hot and for any meal of the day.
1 box of pilsbury hot roll mix (rise)
3/4 turkey or beef keilbasa sausage
3 hot dogs (uncooked)
6 slices diced bacon
7 med. uncooked potatoes
diced onion (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Dice all ingredients in large bowl & add seasoning.
3. Stuff into dough and pinch to close.
4. Cook on greased cookie sheet until golden brown.
5. Remove and dab w/oil on napkin to keep crust from hardening.
6. 30 minutes for each batch.