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Beefy Steakhouse Mushrooms
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 180 Minutes
Ready In: 190 Minutes
Servings: 4
You know those steakhouse mushroom that are so good? Well here they are. I know I altered the recipe a bit also, but I once again can't remember what I changed. LOL. You might want to double the recipe because they go really quick.
2 lbs button mushrooms
6 cups beef broth
2 cups french onion soup
1/2 cup margarine
2 cups red wine
1. Gently wash mushrooms and drain.
2. Put all mushrooms and 1-cup beef broth in large dutch oven and begin cooking on medium heat.
3. When the mushrooms have shriveled, add rest of the broth and french onion soup.
4. Cook slowly (low) for about 2-hours until the mushrooms are tender.
5. After 2-hours add wine and cook 1-hour more.
6. The liquid should be reduced by 2/3 now.
7. Add margarine and keep warm.