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Basic Tuna Salad
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Prep Time: 25 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 25 Minutes
Servings: 4
I first had this tuna salad in my early teens when my aunt used to work at this deli and she would bring home containers of tuna salad home and I would just eat them straight out of the containers. It was the tuna salad that made me want more. Now that the deli is out of business, I tried making my own. Important Tip: Make this a day before you actually want to eat it so the flavors would seep into the ingredients. This is great to make and take with you to work or to have it for lunch on the next day. If you do take this to go, make sure you don't pack it with the bread as a sandwich because it will get soggy. Keep it in a separate container. ****Key thing to the mincing/dicing of the carrots is that you want to make them like coleslaw style so the carrots deliver the crunch but aren't too thick to the point it that it takes an effort to chew them.****
2 (6 ounce) cans tuna in water, drained
1 medium carrot (or half a large one)
3 stalks celery (long, not the stalks of the heart of celery, though you can use that as long as you use 5-6 stalks o)
4 -5 tablespoons mayonnaise
1. 1) Peel and dice the carrots finely or mince them. Put them into the container you plan to keep the tuna salad.
2. 2) Chop the white ends off the celery stalks and dice them to 1/2-1/4 inch in size. Put them into the same container.
3. 3) Add the tuna into the container. Mix in the mayonnaise evenly until everything is coated.
4. 4) Add salt to taste (depending on your taste)
5. Serve on top of crackers, bread or alone.