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Bananas in a Bag !
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 8
Over Ripe-Over Stocked-Baby & Freezer Friendly An easy and fast way to make good use of the extra ripe bananas or a good reason to stock up when you can catch them on sale for $0.10 lb now and again. Banana Bread, Pancakes, Baby Food, Smoothies, Muffins, Cakes Etc....
ziploc bag
1. Peel all the bananas - keep all the banana - even if ugly and dark.
2. I normally use 3 med to large bananas for each bag as that suits my recipe.
3. place in ziplock bags, press the air out to lay flat {or use FoodSaver if you have one - I do now ! :) }.
4. seal and freeze for up to 8 mos. (I have kept them up to 1 yr, but some people get nervous for some reason?).
5. I leave them whole and smash up when I thaw them to use in recipes.
6. Banana Breads, pancakes, cakes, drinks etc etc.
7. My sister smashes hers to the smoothness she likes and puts them in 1 cup measurements in muffin pans or plastic measuring cups and after they are frozen enough to hold shape removes them to place in ziplock bags or FoodSaver - other freezer containers could be used.
8. We used to smash them smooth and freeze in the ice cube trays for our babies as it was a good serving size, then move the cubes to containers with pop off lids to pull out just what we needed that day.
9. ( A medium sized flat Tupperware with 2cubes of banana - alongside the cubes of pureed chicken - green beans *cooked then frozen* in the diaper bag made our babysitter really happy when we took the kiddos over!).