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Baked Meat Roll
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 25 Minutes
Ready In: 40 Minutes
Servings: 4
I haven't tried this yet but the recipe was given to me by a work friend who had it as a child and has made it ever since, it's her husband's favorite. Don't be mean on the ketchup even if you think it's too much, sounds weird but i am assured it's great, one of these days i will get round to trying it myself.
4 ounces minced turkey
1 medium onion
4 ounces self raising flour
2 ounces suet (atora vegetarian 25% less fat)
1 dash large ketchup
1 dash pepper
1. Preheat oven to 220 degrees.
2. Fry mince and onion in a frying pan until browned.
3. Add lots of ketchup until the meat becomes a reddish orange colour.
4. Add a sprinkle of pepper then leave the meat to cool.
5. Mix together the flour and suet with a fork adding a little water at a time but keep stirring.
6. When the mixture looks like it won't fall apart knead into a doughy ball.
7. Place on floured worktop, flatten and roll out into an oval shape big enough to fold over the meat.
8. Place cooled meat on the centre of the rolled suet and evenly spread out.
9. Fold the dough over like a Cornish pastie and press together the edges.
10. Place on a baking tray and cook for 25 minutes.