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Apache Tomale Cho
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Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 90 Minutes
Servings: 4
A fine recipe learned from my Apache Princess=]
1 cup water
2 cups white flour
1 pinch salt
2 cups venison jerky (or beef)
1 cup diced onion
1. The jerky should be pounded out on a metate into flakes and fried with the onions in an iron frying pan, using about 2 tablespoons of lard to fry.
2. Pour the flour into a 1/2 quart pan, add the salt and then the water.
3. Knead these ingredients together until able to handle without sticking to hands. You might need to add water or more flour to form round dough tortillas about 6 inches in diameter.
4. Put 3 or 4 tablespoons of fried jerky and onions in the center of the tortilla.
5. Pinch tortilla (dough) together forming a round dumpling.
6. Put dumpling in a deep pan of bowling water for about 2 minutes, then take out.
7. Its ready to eat while still warm.