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Prep Time: 22 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 42 Minutes
Servings: 14
Biskuit cookie
50 g unsalted margarine
100 g sugar
3 teaspoons vanilla sugar
2 eggs
175 ml soymilk
325 g flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
lemon extract, to taste
150 g confectioners' sugar (optional)
4 teaspoons warm lemon juice (optional)
1. If you like, prepare your choice of egg substitute (for example use 1 Tbsp EnerG mixed with 4 Tbsp warm water- equals 2 eggs) and use this instead of the eggs.
2. Mix together margarine, sugar, vanilla sugar, prepaired egg-substitude or eggs and soymilk.
3. Add flour mixed with baking powder.
4. Add lemon extract to your liking.
5. Preheat oven to 375°F.
6. Use a cornet with a wide opening to get 12 equal portions 2 inch apart on a backing sheet.
7. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until light brown (do not overbake!).
8. For the frosting (optional) mix together confectioner’s sugar and the lemon juice and put it on the biskuit cookies while they are still warm.
9. You can put on gummi-bears or M&M's for a childs birthday.