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A Soup Made In Heavens
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 60 Minutes
Servings: 8
This dish is one of my favorites, it may be served as a main course for those who wants to diet, or as a side dish before a thick juicy steak and a grilled chicken.
1 cup white rice
1/2 kg minced steak
1 large onion diced finely
1/2 cup dry dell (1 bunch chopped fresh dell)
2 cups fresh yogurt
2 gloves minced garlic
2 cubes of chicken stock
2 cups water
2 large table spoon olive oil
1 tea spoon salt
1/2 tea spoon black pepper
1/2 cup yellow lentil
1 tea spoon saffron
2 tables spoons dry mint
2 table spoons finely chopped hot green chillies (if you like spicy taste, otherwise forget about this addition).
1. Add the EVO in a cooking pot, heat and add the chopped onions, salt, black pepper, minced garlic and stir for 2-3 min
2. Add the minced meat and mix for 3-5 minutes.
3. Add the rice, yellow lentils, and the 2 cups water, 2 cubes of chicken stock, and the dell.
4. Cook for 15 minutes til the rice becomes very soft. Add more water if necessary.
5. Add the 2 cups of yogurt and mix well. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Add more water if it becomes too thick.
6. Add the saffron and dry mint. Taste, add more salt if required.
7. Add the finely chopped green chillies if you like it spicy.